In multiplayer swear loyalty to the Chaos Gods and pit your bloodthirsty warband of Chaos Space Marines against the new units and reinforced armies of the Space Marines, Orks, Eldar, and Tyranids. Will you remain steadfast to the Emperor or risk heresy to gain new dark and destructive powers? Upgrade your squads with new legendary wargear and unlock new special abilities, as your squads advance to level 30. Purge the chaos filth and hold the chapter together as traitorous forces work from within to try bring down the Blood Ravens. In Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising you will take command of the Blood Ravens and defend the sector against the Chaos Space Marines of the Black Legion. and Relic Entertainment's sequel to the acclaimed Dawn of War II real time strategy franchise, you return to sub sector Aurelia where a long lost frozen ice planet has reappeared from the Warp, bringing with it new secrets to uncover and foes to face.

Your Blood Ravens have saved the sector, but can they save themselves? WarHammer 40.000 Dawn of War: Dark Crusade is a good, free game only available for Windows, belonging to the category PC games with subcategory Various.

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